Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2009 (Reese)

I did make a comeback & achieved my best PB this year which is 4:37 timing. I was actually target-ting at 4:30.

At starting I was happily tailing Ivan, which was doing quite a fast pace until I saw Team FatBird pacers with 4:30 bib at Nicoll highway mark.
& Tats where I decide to pace with them.

I was doing well until at 35km mark tats where my legs really hurt & I had to give up pacing them. But I was still pushing hard until I had to switch to a force march & jog strategy until Finishing.

I must say this is far best my Run in term of Pace. The Pacers are doing a marvellous job. They were indeed very consistence throughout my entire run with them.

Up till now I am still nursing my painful sore muscle. No pain! No gain!

I believe my training plan was on scheduled until the Nov evening Rain came early this year, which cause havoc on my plan (although it’s a lousy excuse).

Looking forward the next Race with Crazy2tri!

Keep going Crazy2Tri!

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